Sunday, May 15, 2005

(Saturday ) April 2, 2005

Well, technically I wrote half of yesterday's entry today. Because we hadn't slept, just flying and driving all night, it still felt like Friday. Yesterday we got to the airport KLIA and checked in. Then we went to McDonald's, oh no, I mean Burger King. They were playing all Britney SPears music. The guys got their food before me and sat down. While I was waiting for mine, two young guys, one with a towel on his head(and yes I do mean an actual bright orange towel) approached me. I think the other one proposed! It was a little awkward. Matt hacked into a computer, it was pretty impressive. Thank You God that he didn't try it in Singapore, we'd probably all be executed or something! By the time the plane started taxiing, all three of us were out. We woke up when the plane was landing, but thought it was just taking off! We got off at Singapore, headed straight for our gate (no gum chewing!) and crashed out. The guys leaned against two sides of a big column next to the glass walls of the gate, I lay against the one marble post of the wall. The moving walkway went right past us and as a family went by a heard a little boy say in his British accent "Look Daddy, there's people sleeping, that's what we can do!" Then I was out. Next thing I knew, a lady was shaking me saying 'Excuse me" and a male airport security guard was staring at me and smiling. Apparently I was laying right in front of the lock to the gate, a small hole on the bottom of the post. None of the security screeners could get in to set up, and she'd been trying to wake me for a good 3 minutes! I jumped up and said, "I'm so sorry", and the man laughed and said "You very sleepy." We made a quick bathroom stop before going through gate security. The toilets were squatty potties! And there was a little hose that you can use instead of toilet paper! There were some kids in there freaking out. The plane we caught out of Singapore was Emirates Airline. Wow, my new favorite. I've never been on anything like it. It was a Boeing 777, big comfy seats, footrests, individual TV screen w/a remote to choose from hundreds of movies, TV, and video games in many language options. Dinner was 4 courses, a choice of lamb or seafood linguine. I went w/ the pasta and it had delicious fish and fat juicy shrimp and vegetables. I hope we get a meal on the way back. I chose to watch Alien vs Predator just because I felt I really needed to stay up to enjoy the plane and thought that would do it. I wanted to relish feeling like royalty! We of course got handiwipes and hot towels, and the coke came in little Arabic cans! I wish I could always fly Emirates.
At Sri Lanka, immigration whisked us through, and the customs man looked at our badges and was very curious. He asked what area we were going to , when we said Galle his eyes got a little bigger. He asked if we had come to Sri Lanka before as tourists and when we said no, he looked amazed and said "Then why are you coming now?" I just told him "We know there's a need, and we want to do what we can to help." He got choked up and said thank you several times. We met up with Mary and Celeste. I think our driver's name in Primala, he was so skillful. THere are lots of pedestrian deaths because people just walk out in the road with out looking and expect cars to stop. At the same time, drivers just pull out wherever and expect everyone lese to stop. I'm glad none of us had to drive. The roads were also very bumpy, lots of potholes, but Primala did a great job. At one point, around 3:30 am, we pulled over on a bridge to have some soda and crackers. As soon as I got out, a gang of about 10 teenage boys ran over shouting the only important English word "Money, money, money, money!!!!" Fortunately, Celeste chased them off. He spoke to them in rapid Sinhala and they looked frustrated, but moved on down the road. He said they roam the streets at night looking for a drink or cigarette. Thank You so much that he met us at the airport, I'm sure it was such a sacrifice but it meant a lot to us. Even though it was late (or early) we saw lots of people in the streets. Lots of wild dogs too. Oh, and cows! People turn them loose very often for some sort of vow. Althoug it was quite dark and the windows were tinted, we could see some of the devastation to buildings. It was like a war zone. I'll write more about that later.
We arrived at Pastor Sana's house (Celeste had him lead me straight to the bathroom, I was dying!) around 6 am. His wife Deepani had apple bananas and bread with butter and jam, very good coffe too. She kind of stayed out of the room other than to fix food, I hope to talk to her later. We talked with Celeste and Sana about all kinds of things. Celeste is so funny, he loves to laugh. Then they asked if we were ready to rest. We wanted to work! But they were in charge, not us, so we said okay. They took us to the house. Wow, thank You God, it's so much nicer than I expected. We are so blessed Lord! Thank You for providing it. Also, if we keep the doors closed, we should hardly have any mosquitos. We explored and then settle in for a 4 hour nap. I had trouble falling asleep (too excited) but finally did around 8:30 am. I stuffed a t-shirt with clothes to make a pillow for my knees. At 9:15 the phone rang, Mary and I both jumped up not sure what it was. It was a strange ring, almost like a fire alarm. I answered and someone began rapidly speaking Sinhala. I was still half asleep and just said hello again. I then asked if they were trying to reach Celeste or Sana. They hung up. I went back to sleep and the phone rang again at 10:30, Mary answered and took a message for Celeste. I woke up again at 11:15 and decided to just stay up until our 12:30 meeting before we headed to Sana's. I guess I'll stop there for now, since that's where I started journaling today. So much happened this afternoon that I'll fall asleep if I try to write it all. Please help me remember it all in the morning. Help us all to sleep soudly and multiply our sleep so we wake up on time and feel refreshed and well rested. Prepare us for our long day tomorrow. I love You Lord, thank You so much for everything You're doing here. Good night!
Psalm 24
1 The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it;
2 for he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters.
3 Who may ascend the hill of the LORD ? Who may stand in his holy place?
4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swearby
what is false.
5 He will receive blessing from the LORD and vindication from God his Savior.
6 Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek your face, O God of Jacob. Selah


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